We protect crypto
with on-chain
risk ratings

Xerberus secures the market for mass adoption by helping investors avoid catastrophic losses and optimize their risk-adjusted returns.

We quantify the Risk of Crypto Assets based
on the Wallet Graph

The Wallet Graph is unique to every crypto asset. It is similar to a social graph, which captures a person’s social network. Like a social graph, the wallet graph contains the connection between all network members belonging to an asset

This includes all wallets holding an asset, from investors to founders to users. Since speculative activities and user activities, such as paying for network resources, are recorded on the same ledger, we get a holistic view of an asset.

The wallet graph of a freshly created asset looks fundamentally different from that of an asset at the peak of its life cycle. Our Risk Ratings provide an instant assessment of all positions within this graph.

as seen in

Risk Ratings: Why Risk Ratings are so good?

Our Risk Ratings look at all available data on the blockchain and are price leading


The distribution of tokens across all participants is critical to mediate the price impact any single actor can have.


A community of holders ought to be diverse in their balances and trading behavior. Homogeneous networks tend to be reactive


Token frequency and consistency in which tokens are transferred within a network is the heartbeat of the token economy.


Sophisticated networks tend to have more complex wallet clusters. A network that lacks sophistication may be underdeveloped.


A robust token should have predictable emissions that align with the growth of the network


The size of liquidity pools must be in symmetry with the demand and growth of a token network.

Market Manipulation

Circular wallet clusters indicate a strong usage of price manipulation and ought to be avoided.

Crypto Native Risk Ratings

Xerberus is a Protocol that belongs to the Community

Objective Risk Assessmen

The Wallet Graph reflects the whole truth. By forming a rating on all factual data points, not just a select few, Xerberus gives investors confidence based on real-time data and gives bad actors nowhere to hide.

Evolving Risk Assessment

The real-time nature of the Wallet Graph means no stone is left unturned. With rating updates instantly reflecting the market environment to give investors clarity and assurance when it matters most

Verifiable Risk Assessment

Xerberus synergises large public-facing data sets with complex mathematical formulae, rooting every rating in data and delivering in real-time via the Wallet Graph to ensure complete transparency and accountability

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